Thursday, February 24, 2011

Games on offer this year

Games on offer so far:
> Silver Kiss of the Magical Twilight of the Full Moon
> Fiasco
> 3:16 Carnage amongst the stars
> Psi*Run
> Best Friends
> Fate
> Monster of the Week (an Apocolypse World hack)
> Annalise
> Monsterhearts (an Apocolypse World hack)
> Posion'd
> Perfect
> Umlaut

More to come as they're offered. If you want to bring something along comment here!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day of Games - 2011

Very happy to report that Day of Games will return again this year. It'll be held on Mayth from 10 am till 11pm.

Cost = $15 for all (this will cover venue hire for the whole day and hot drinks etc.)

Location - Turnbull House, Bowen Street, Wellington

View Larger Map

Day will run like so:

Registration and first round picks: 10am
Round 1: 10:30 - 13:30


Round 2 picks: 14:20
Round 2: 14:30 - 17:30


Round 3 picks: 18:20
Round 3: 18:30 - 21:30

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day of Games 2010

Day of Games 2010 is happening again this May. Dates, games and all the details still to come.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Two weeks to go

With only a couple of weeks till Day of Games I thought I'd mention the general idea of time table.

10:00 Registration and general chatter
10:15 Game pitch and decisions
10:30 Morning games start
12:30 First 2 hour slot ends
12:40 Second 2 hour slot starts
14:30 - 14:40 Morning games end. Break for food, drink and a leg stretch
15:00 Afternoon games start
17:00 Third 2 hour slot ends
17:10 Forth 4 hour slot starts
19:00 Scheduled games finish. Dinner
19:30 - 10:30 The building is still rented and we can play more games if any one is keen.

This time table is a little more complex than your average Con, but I think it will allow for a wide range of games to be on offer.

Confused? Don't worry, I'm sure it will all work out on the day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The grainy details

As people no doubt what to know the details here they are:

When? 16 May 2009, 10am till 7:30pm
Where? Turnbull House, Bowen St
How much? $10 on the door for the whole day.

As always drop us a line if you need any more info.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Games, Games, Games!

The list of games people have indicated they'll bring along is growing, but so far we have:
  • Shock:
  • Duty & Honour
  • Dogs In The Vineyard